Graphic is work of site creator -" A New Day" 2021

Directives to be taken by the University of Tennessee, in an effort to reduce its plastic waste usage, are recommended based upon the cited information and in combination with current recycling policy on the institution's campus.
 First, the campus should only utilize biodegradable plastic products within all of its buildings, and facilities, and make special disposal bins to accompany the pre existing ones that are currently in these facilities for recycling. The suppliers of these biodegradable products should be approved by the university, and it's office of sustainability for verification of the products ethical and sustainable production measures. 
Second, a separate recycling program, or one in coordination with the current U.T. or Knoxville recycling systems, should be made for the recycling of biodegradable plastics, and expansion of accommodation of typical plastic products until these can be phased out totally. 
Third, separation of biodegradable plastics between those products that shall serve better be recycled, or incorporated into the university food composting program, with potential from the energy services, or science departments of the university to conduct studies on the ability to capture C02 gas for energy purposes.
 Accompanying these new or additional methods to the recycling system of the University of Tennessee, coordination with food serve providers, event coordinators, university policy makers, students, and needed city officials to implement logical and efficient systems of workings on campus, and systems services shall also be required in this implementation.
 Further subsidiary steps could involve and evaluation of U.T plastic waste that flows to nearby waterways, reducing plastic products at game day events or other waste products with special systems of collection in place for large events, and a policy of accountability for the enforcement of these much needed changes. Systems such as these are what shall guide the University of Tennessee at Knoxville towards a much more bright and efficient future.  

Graphic is work of site creator -" Strategy information Bubble Diagram" 2021

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